Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Bike friendly city.

#Utrecht, with 330,000 residents, is the #Netherlands’ fourth-largest and fastest-growing city. It is also one of the most bike-friendly places in one of the world’s most#bike-friendly countries.

The city recently surpassed #Amsterdam in a widely respected ranking of bike-friendly cities and is now second only to Copenhagen, which is more than twice its size.

While many of the 6,000 new, state-of-the-art bike parking spots filled quickly, city engineers focused on the work ahead: creating thousands more such spots and hundreds more miles of bike paths to ensure that even more Utrecht residents can comfortably commute by bike.

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“We found that if you build it, people will use it,” said Lot van Hooijdonk, a vice mayor, about her city’s seemingly insatiable public demand for bike infrastructure.

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